Established in 2005 Multiplex Engineering are a provider of instrumentation and turnkey solutions to leading cooperatives, pharma, food producers and energy plants throughout Ireland.
Our management team come with a wealth of knowledge and experience and can design the perfect bespoke solution for you. Our team of highly skilled and trained engineers use the latest innovations and technology to bring you a top-class service you can rely on. Certified to ISO 9001, you can trust our commitment to compliancy and quality.
We are distributors for leading instrument manufacturers including Nivelco, Swan Analytical, Flowtronic, Cerlic, ADCA, Watersam and Captor. You can be assured that we only supply and use the most innovated and latest equipment and technology.


In business you will strive for improved efficiency and increased reliability. To achieve this, you need a partner that has the expertise and experience necessary to support your business growth. 

Our Mission is to provide a total calibration solution to clients that is of the highest quality and is designed to increase efficiency and reliability in their business.


quality service multiplex engineering calibration


Quality in our products and services, upheld by our certification to ISO9001 and proven track record.

Calibration Management & Instrument Sales


Support for clients from start of project and throughout, being adaptable and hands on.

Strength in our calibration expertise.


Innovation in our methods and bringing industry leading products to our clients.

Our commitment to you as our client

Effective Compliance

Higher Quality Production

Improved Efficiency

Increased Reliability

Confidence in the Production Process